通彻,读音是tōng chè,汉语词语,意思是完全理解。
通彻,汉语词汇。 拼音:tōng chè; 释义:1、指通晓;贯通;完全理解。2. 通侯。
For pronunciation and definitions of 通彻 – see 通徹 (“to understand thoroughly”). (This term is the simplified form of 通徹).
通彻 definition at Chinese.Yabla.com, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
通彻 tōng chè (Trad.: 通徹). 通彻. Dictionary; Sample Sentences; Writing. to understand completely. zài. 在. gōng zuò. 工作.
通彻 from dictionary.writtenchinese.com
Learn more details about 通彻 Chinese character and share your story, photos and comments about it. Also check out the example sentences for the character.
條目 通彻. 拼音 tōng chè. 注音 ㄊㄨㄥㄔㄜˋ. 詞語解釋網路解釋網友討論. 通彻 詞語解釋. 解釋. ◎ 通徹tōngchè. [understand thoroughly] 通曉;貫通;完全理解. --------- ...
书应读通彻,志当存高远。 译文读书应当读得明白、通透,为人应当存有高远的志向。 注释通彻:通晓;贯通。 赏析出自诸葛亮《诫外甥书》,用于鼓励人读书用功,树立志向。
通彻 from m.sohu.com
Feb 17, 2021 · 【太极汇】被称为“通彻天地”的站桩功,功法要诀何在? · 站桩是历史悠久的一种古代养生术,因缺乏文献,现已无从考证其起源于何时。 · 站式练功法于唐宋 ...
疏彻,读音是shū chè。意思是①通彻。②引申为豁达。